Final Task: Genre Decision

 It was super interesting researching all these genres. They are all similar and overlap slightly, but they have enough difference to effect a final product. The first genre that I knew I was not going to do was action. Action is usually brash, bloody, and masculine. This does not really fit the vision I had in mind for my movie. This caused me to strike this genre right way! I do think it is a good genre but it is not my favorite. The next genre I am crossing off the list is mystery. I really wanted to do mystery and it was very close to being my genre, however the best part of mystery (the ending) would not be included. If I was doing a longer project then this might've been my choice. So, that leaves thriller! I choose thriller because I really enjoy the conventions of the genre. I think the use of thriller conventions with my project would make a really interesting contrast. This is why I choose this genre!


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