Title Research: Along Came a Spider

 This opening sequence includes the titles of the director, producer, actors, musician, and editor. Most of the imagery in this sequence is in the titles themselves, as they are animated with an effect similar to a spider. The font mimics a police report, and flickers and fades while onscreen. In the beginning, all the titles are linked with a capital "A" appearing much like a spider crawling down from its web, which calls back to the title, "Along Came a Spider." The background is primarily obscure flickering blue and green lights but fades into a video of a car driving down a secluded road. This creates a sense of suspense characteristic of a thriller film, making the viewer ask questions about the context of the video. Overall, the opening sequence reveals very little which is just as effective in portraying the genre as one that might be more clearly connected to a storyline.


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