Production Blog: Animation
Do you remember how I included an animated title in my storyboard? Well, now is the time I start working on that! Luckily my past self took pity on my soul. (I have been traumatized by overestimating my time constraints in the past) I choose a simple animation! The main issue is finding software that is free and easy to use.
I have years of experience with illustration and design, but I have never animated before. Maybe choosing animation wasn't the smartest idea. But, I'm ready to take it on!
I choose to use Krita to animate my title. I have tried this software before, just not for animation. Digital art is such a learning curve, so I am a little nervous about how much time it will take to finish. I'm mostly used to traditional art.
It's now been about 30 minutes since I've started the process of animating and I think I am getting the hang of it! I've sketched out my title on multiple frames. I chose to mimic letter blocks when designing, which means that it's an easy transfer process to animate. All I have to do is copy, paste, and move the block!
After about an hour and a half of working on my animation, I am happy with the results. For now, I am going to save it to Kritas's built-in filing system. When I begin editing, I will upload it and input it into the video.
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